Monday, October 10, 2011

London Ladies

London this weekend was an absolute blast. With minor setbacks, I still managed to laugh more in one weekend than ever before. As soon as we got there, we found a pub with fish and chips, since we still hadn't tried the famous dish. We all ordered it, but I of course will be the only one not ordering it again. The chips of course were delicious buuut we all know how much I love fish...

From there, we headed straight for Oxford Street, which is a huge strip of massive amounts of shopping, and as we found out, a massive amount of people. I have never seen so many people in one location in my life. If you think NYC is bad, try going into Primark (kind of like Forever 21) on a Saturday. We have a Primark here in Oxford, which I love, but I was just not ready for Londons version. With three floors and thousands of people shopping inside, we were the most overwhelmed! We continued down the street after buying things without trying them on due to the excessive line for the dressing room. We could barely shuffle through the crowd, but we popped into a few more stores before giving up. The street would definitely be amazing if it wasn't on a Saturday afternoon. From there we attempted to find somewhere for dinner...struggle number two for the day. Thank god we ended up finding a restaurant called Prezzo, because it was absolutely delicious! I ate everything on my plate and then some.
After our food comas, we headed to meet AshleyAnne and her friends to go to ZooBar!

ZooBar was a blast! By the end of the night though, creepers started coming out so thats when we needed to leave haha. Katie, Kim, and I were the only ones who stayed at the club late because the other girls had rehearsal in the morning. We thought hailing a cab afterwards to head back to the hotel would be easy & boy were we wrong. Two hours later after standing in the rain for an open cab we got back to our hotel. At the time we wanted to die, and now we are hilariously laughing over the ridiculous situation.

The next morning I woke up early to meet AshleyAnne for breakfast. We ate at a delish little cafe where we ate outside & seemed like real London-ers. I loved it. After saying goodbye I took the tube back to the hotel where I met with Katie and Kim and headed to Camden Market! Camden Market was my favorite place. It was a flea market style set up with loads of different little sections with the cutest cheapest clothes, jewelry, hats, and anything else you could want! I bought one too many things of course but I love them all and I cannot wait to go back!

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