Saturday, December 3, 2011

j'aime Paris

Paris, what an absolutely amazing city. To be honest, I always thought Paris was somewhere I just needed to go, not somewhere I necessarily wanted to go. Now that I have been though, my mind has completely changed. I absolutely loved it & cannot wait to go back someday! I stayed with Jill & her parents which was so much fun! My best friend and I in Paris together? Amazing. We all met at the airport & then headed off to the hotel which was amazingly located right across from the lourve! After settling in and eating a delicious lunch, we went to the eiffel tower. It was incredible to see such an iconic and worldly known structure right in front of my eyes. I was being a total American and freaking out as we got closer and closer. Not five minutes after we got there, the light show started going off. It was so beautiful!

The next morning we headed off to Versaille! I have never seen something like this in my life. Absolutely beautiful & HUGE! It was so gorgeous me and jill kept saying it looked more like a movie set than an actual real life place.

After walking all through the castle and seeing where Marie Antoinette used to sleep and eat and live, which was amazing, we headed out to the gardens. The gardens went on for what seemed like miles and miles. They were absolutely beautiful and there weren't even any flowers bloomed. I cannot even imagine what it would look like in the spring or summer time.

The next day we went to the lourve. It is definitely one of those places that you know you have to go to even if you aren't really interested...which is exactly what the case was for me. We saw the most famous paintings and sculptures including the mona lisa. i found this to be extremely overrated. it was amazing how so many people were pushing and shoving to get to the front to take a picture, as if brad pitt was coming into the building or something. however, when you turn around from the overrated mona lisa, there is an absolutely amazing painting. absolutely humongous and detailed, it was amazing that everyone was so interested in the tiny mona lisa when this painting was much much more amazing and detailed. it was my favorite piece we saw in the whole museum.

After eating the most delicious bread and drinking amazing wine all weekend I never wanted to leave this beautiful city.

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