Saturday, December 3, 2011

Birthday Celebrations!

20th birthday? ugh dreadful to think about...never going to be a teenager again! 20th birthday in england? ...ok a little better to cope with. Everyone came out for my birthday dinner at the living room which was great! we got our own little section of the restaurant since there was about ten of us. we got drinks and delicious food and i of course had to have ice cream so i could blow out a candle.

After dinner we all headed back to ublock to get ready for the night. we went over to the su bar where we played kings for one of the first times since being here. i miss american pregaming. of course we started making absolutely ridiculous "rules" which will go unnamed. lets just say the rules did not end at the su...
After many rounds of the game we all went to wahoo. me, katie and kim danced the whole time, as always. when run the world came on shit got serious bahahaha. so dumb. we stayed until we were actually getting kicked out because it was closing.

when we got home, we had a nice surprise of olly sleeping outside the bathroom with his whole mattress in the hallway...

we then lit another candle for me to blow out in my adorable cake that kim & katie bought for me!

such a fun birthday!

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